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carlos slim造句

"carlos slim"是什么意思  
  • However , according to a mexican business reporter , carlos slim hel ' s us $ 67 . 8 billion makes him the new wealthiest person in the world
  • Mexican telecom mogul carlos slim helu last month blew past u . s . investor warren buffett to become the world " " s second - richest man with an estimated net worth of $ 53 . 1 billion
  • His fortune was recently estimated at $ 28 billion by forbes ( 6 ) magazine - - trailing ( 7 ) only microsoft co - founder bill gates , u . s . investor warren buffett and mexican industrialist carlos slim
  • Indian tycoon mukesh ambani yesterday jumped above bill gates and warren buffet , and their short - lived successor , mexican carlos slim helu , at the top of the rich tree as his personal fortune was put at nearly ? 31billion
  • Indian steel mogul lakshmi mittal , mexican telecom magnate carlos slim helu and ikea founder ingvar kamprad of sweden knocked several wal - mart heirs down a few notches on forbes magazine ' s 2005 rankings of the world ' s billionaires
  • It's difficult to see carlos slim in a sentence. 用carlos slim造句挺难的
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